
It’s easy to be cynical. But politicians also get voted into office by people who have jobs. And if a company can’t make enough money, then they scale back or go out of business. Then those voters kick out the politicians that caused them to lose their job.

This sounds a lot like my son. He was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety. We went to a recommended psychiatrist that prescribed very low doses of medication. The medication didn’t fix the issue, it just helped him get to a point where he could effectively learn coping techniques to alter his behavior.

We both paid for the space up to the position where the seat reclines. I fit in that space. Others don’t and that’s their problem. It’s not up to me to give them extra space when they KNOW they won’t fit there.

That’s fine, you go ahead and do that. I’ll just say that I have flown many times a year and I have never felt somebody’s knees pushing into the back of my seat. So your little act of resistance either doesn’t mean anything, or your special needs are so unusual that you shouldn’t expect the other ninety-nine percent

That space does not belong to the person behind me. It belongs to me because I paid for it. So fuck you too.

No! I don't have to accommodate you. You need to accommodate yourself or deal with it.

1000x this

Im 5'9" and my knees have never touched the seat. There must be so many freaks of nature out there

I sense hyperbole here

Sucks to be tall, but that's not my problem. 

If your knees touch the seat in front of you, your are unusual. You need to fly first class or something in an exit row.

No,  no they aren’t a monster. They are normal and you are a whiny child.

Thars that’s your problem, not mine. Your are unusually tall. Buy a seat in an exit row.

If you have unnaturally long thighs, such that your knees hit the seat in front of you, that’s your problem not mine. Pay extra for a emergency exit row or first class, freak.

That’s probably it. Everyone here has inground sprinkler systems. So the grass gets watered at least once a week.

As a dog owner myself, I always pick up my dog’s poop.

Didn’t I hear that this IOS update broke some things on Iphone 5's? Or am I remembering wrong?

Sooo, is VSCO an acronym or what?

Ask people about themselves and be genuinely interested.

We used to set it based on his age. When he was 15, he got $15. Then we just changed it to $20 a week. It’s a good round number. He can buy a reasonable amount of extra stuff during the week if he doesn’t want to save up (a fast food meal or two, snacks, etc).  But he doesn’t need to save for months to buy something