
Hufflepuff - the Team Instinct of Harry Potter Go.


I think, given the specifics of this situation, it’s time to talk about Antifa control.

I never, EVER get tired of metal covers of Vampire Killer.

Prove Ideology Checkpoint at the front door? Throw you out on your ass unless you swear you voted for Hillary and promise to vote for her or her designated second in 2020?

No, thanks. I certainly don’t see any push to make female spaces more masculine.

Dayum, son.

I still can’t care less about this movie.

Alternate read: Quit calling people Nazis if they aren’t in lockstep with your thinking and maybe people won’t feel targeted.

People without have broken brains, and are unable to properly enjoy life.

Yup. Sixty isn’t what I’m interested in paying for this. On sale, yeah.

I remember sitting there for a good couple of minutes the first time I payed attention to the credits for Batman: The Animated Series.

Here there’s no problem with the meat because the meat was atomized upon impact.

A broken clock is right twice a day. And look at that, it’s one of his twice-a-day.

Hey, that already happened - we elected a black president, the left told us we were officially in a post-racial America.

It’s probably best to make it incredibly direct.

This season had my favorite line in the entire series. It was during the Vindicators episode (overall one of the weaker eps this season), right near the end, and it was all in the delivery.


As the Fellow Kids say:

Now if they’d only add the ultimate test of cerebral fitness.