
Nice work, kid!

Which of your precious, precious snowflakes did they step on recently?

No, there’s a considerable difference.

This is a problem...why?

Because it makes them money. End of story.

The rather vast increase in incest porn I’ve noticed recently is a decided turn-off.

Eh. One fucking story on this website that doesn’t feel the need to throw “hur hur hur Trump” into it would be nice.

Probably the same way damn near everybody else would - “oh, shit, I had no idea it was on that day.”

Every single expression? Nah.

“We need a name for a racists who think their rights are more important than anybody else’s rights. It’s a hot trend this week.”

Whoops, friend, you’re suffering from Insufficient Support of Groupthink, and therefore a literal Nazi, possibly even worse than Hitler.

10 years is probably a little low to get batteries that are affordable and easier to make, and then a charging solution that is both fast and easily accessible to the masses.

You push and make it an initiative because how can you virtue signal if you aren’t blowing your own horn?

I got about halfway through the phrase “digital card game” before I could hear the little Interest Gnomes in my head say “Okay, people, nothing to see here, let’s pack it up!”

Of course not. Even when parity is achieved (and the definition of which will constantly shift), they’ll come up with a bunch of other reasons the universe owes them more.

Doesn’t matter what they change the names to, I guaran-damn-tee you somebody will be gravely, Internet-outrage-level offended by the choice because it just didn’t go far enough in recognizing my special, magical group.

The one and only song I banned at my wedding was the #1 song on that list.

Indeed! The reality of the situation is that any bad guy intent on doing you harm will politely wait for you to chamber a round before attacking.

“at worst” it’s hoping to get a negative reaction from the developer, and HEY! It worked.

My major ish was this: