Didn’t know about the Shadow of the Colossus remake - I’m excited I get to have my son play through it on a modern console.
Didn’t know about the Shadow of the Colossus remake - I’m excited I get to have my son play through it on a modern console.
#YesYourPresident :)
“WHAT?!?! They skewered MY political beliefs?!?!! FUCKERS!!!!”
I’m certainly not puzzled. I already have an XBox One, and five bones to get a better one ain’t happening any time soon.
Waaaait wait wait. What is that thing?
That right there - that’s right in the feels.
I...have got to have this.
Not in the slightest, particularly when you position yourself as a paragon of virtue.
That would have worked just fine. I was violently opposed to a complete reboot and am pleased that it performed terribly.
Dunno. A few more of these terrorist attacks, and that might not be the case any more. What’s this make, three this year? March, May, and this one?
Next you’re going to tell me that advertisers don’t have a right to send you ads on the Internet, after all that’s a service you pay for for your own convenience.
When my Echo dies I’ll give it some consideration, but I don’t need two of these things and the chance of me pitching the Echo are hovering right around zero.
Because the groups involved want to spread their messages and not be dicks about it.
Looks like Kristen Schaal trying to cosplay Ellen Ripley. This is in no way a bad thing.
A late, late, late, LATE, LAAAAAATE term abortion?
Damn, used astroturf is...a thing. I had no idea.
I don’t water, I don’t fertilize, and I don’t pay somebody to come spray shit on my lawn. Mow it once a week, longer if I feel I can get away with it (when The Missus starts grousing about the grass, it’s usually time to cut the grass).
Nope. Selling heat-reduced static water to people indigenous to the northern circumpolar region of North America is worse.
Hell no, that would be using logic.
Designed to subvert the male gaze? I think you (and she) underestimate the ability of males to completely ignore plot and story when it comes to sexy females.