
Is this another ramrod “game” like the first one, where your choices don’t actually make any difference in how the plot goes?

The image quality on that video is incredible. Driver is a lucky sumbitch to walk out of that.

I started grinning like an idiot when the music fired up. Awesome.

Dammit, now I have that fucking commercial running through my head.

It’s Dark Souls-adjacent. Twilight Souls? Maybe it lists its address as South Dark Souls. But yeah, it’s closer to SOTN. And pretty damned good so far.

Well, she was a shit candidate. And if you think her presidency wouldn’t have been filled with lawsuits and investigations-a-go-go, you’re delusional.

But most terrorist activities...aren’t. 

Denied. Playing Misirlou with a fidget spinner IS cool.

Not “hate” so much as “complete and utter indifference towards Wonder Woman.”

Honestly, I don’t see much of a debate about “how much of the birth control should be shouldered by men” ever happening, because men can’t get pregnant.

You sound very rational and open minded yourself...

The wait is frustrating, but the first game built up an incredible amount of goodwill. It was shockingly good.

Amazing how quickly “screw all pigs” turns into “call the cops, somebody keyed my Prius!”

Not me. I saw it and thought “fuck, there goes the rest of my day.”

“No control over the device or the network.”

If they were “willing to go to prison” they’d post their names, ya know?

Does this ever actually work? I’m gonna guess no, much like online atheists trying to argue with religious folks.

Cubs blow.

High enough that the astronauts on the space station wave as you go by, my man.

Izzat $36ish shipped, or before shipping?