
Because we want to see Shit Get Blowded Up Real Good? Besides, what about this would cause a delay for Just Cause 4?

Fuck the legion of Democrats who got us into this situation.

Well, to be fair, COMPLETELY FUCKING OBVIOUS THING (ha!) doesn’t really require a twenty-five year study.

And just 30 more before they have to get their own insurance. Thanks, Obama!

Ooh, dick waving! Neat!

I am so very heartened by the number of Dukes of Hazzard comments here. Good work, people!

Don’t feel bad, it’s done out of love for the man’s work.

Working to forge a new ring as powerful as Sauron’s? That should be interesting...

...and do you provide constructive criticism and coaching when they “do it wrong” or do you just whine about how a man can’t please you?

Roger Rabbit is an incredible movie in a lot of aspects. I think it’s fortunate that we probably won’t have to worry about a remake.

Hey hey hey! It’s time to make some kuh-RAY-zee money! Are ya ready? Here we go!

Sure, you’ve never seen the error message pop up?

Okay, I laughed at that one.

It’s better than “Bravely Default.”

The “commercial” version (which has some reinforced components to make it stronger) is juuuust shy of a grand.

I’ll be That Other Guy. Applying gender to things really doesn’t bother me all that much. It’s okay for boys to like things that are for girls and vice versa. But gender is A Thing, and will continue to be for a very long time.

Spin them stops.

Oh, horseshit. You’d be screaming, pissing, whining, moaning, barfing, on and so forth for Paul Ryan’s ouster the second he took the oath.

I remember hearing about that Barcode Battler thing.

Denied! The request for more Lana is approved. Or Cheryl. Or even Pam.