He can’t bring himself to be the punching bag for a group of women who are angry at The Men.
He can’t bring himself to be the punching bag for a group of women who are angry at The Men.
Whatcha gonna drink?
I could do without Yet Another MOBA, or Yet Another Online-Only Team Based FPS.
I’ll be surprised if there IS a GTA 6. Why waste all that time and effort making a single-player game when they could pour it into huge upgrades to GTA:O?
“Hello, this is Ted Nugent, the Motor City Madman, urging you to vote no on Proposition 87. If we outlaw crossbows in our public schools, who’s gonna protect our children from charging elk? Thank you for your time, and as always— I say Wango! I say Tango!”
Ain’t nothing that endears you to an unwitting straight man like involving him in some nonsense, especially if you do it in front of a bunch of other people.
“Shut up Bernie Sanders, quit reminding us that we could have won if we had not told you to fuck directly off.”
It did introduce Sega’s exit from the console market, yes.
You gotta believe!
Wow, I haven’t thought about those things in years. Cool!
Well screw ‘em, then. The Duck Tales comparison is not a slam, it’s a compliment.
Get over it? Oh, gracious no - we’re loving every fucking second of it.
You know what’s funny?
As well they should, for the reason JackRabbitSlim323 puts forth.
“You beat our hockey team. We picked your president. We’ll call that even, comrades.”
Nah, I like the convenience.
We DO in fact know, and Revan is a dude. That being said - we’re talking about an imaginary person, and if straight guys are still going to fantasize about banging Tracer, there’s no reason you can’t have a female Revan. Rock thusly onward.
I do recall the phrase being used in both ways in the 80s.
You have a right to SAY what you want. You have no right to be HEARD.
How about “These 9 Titles Encourage Players To Commit Suicide?”