Holy SHIT that little tiny elephant is super duper cute.
Holy SHIT that little tiny elephant is super duper cute.
Doesn’t mean “more black people exactly?”
THANK YOU for explaining exactly what the fuck she’s doing there.
Nope. We’re the Land of Everything.
Heh. You seen ol’ Bill lately? He ain’t looking hale.
Or, you know, the person simply doesn’t care about the topic of gender stereotypes and wants to know if the game is fun or not.
And yet he very well might be, too.
Well yeah, in single player I don’t have to worry about some dicknugget throwing bags of money at random, trying to get people banned because “hurr hurr hurr it’s a larf, innit?”
So...it there a reason I’d need to gendershift in the game, or is this a case of “Look! Look! We’re progressive! Look! LOOK, DAMMIT! Okay, fine, you’re not looking - we’re gonna force you to look.”
I saw the article title and was coming in to make a Roger Wilco joke. Good times!
I think the sooner we get past THAT area of nostalgia, the better.
“It’s especially difficult for pro Smash Bros. players to make a life out of competing”
Ah, an illustration of the Miracle of Fishes and Loads.
But for Rick Sanchez of Dimension C-839, this IS his reality.
Or, to be less “ewww, you awful, AWFUL white people:”
Well, yes. I can’t read a story about the game without substituting “rimjob” for the proper name.
Right up until the time it comes off in your mouth.
I don’t much care for Games Workshop’s business practices - though the stuff they’ve been releasing recently is really changing my mind - but I absolutely adore the 40K universe. And the Warhammer Fantasy setting prior to the End Times.
Sure, unless one of the kids in his class (or school, for that matter) ruins it for everyone by having a Deadly Peanut Allergy.