
Winning so much drives jealous ppl crazy. I love it

There isnt a more bullshit, embarrassing show on television

O.M.G.! An article not bitching about our presidential we voted into office. Miraculous. Ill take it

Yeah like you said, didn’t matter. Get over it

If only george bush could run again. Fuck last 8 years were dreadful

The Price is not Right

I dare you to head over to jezebel... libtard central where every comment is centered around what time and place everyone is going to head to the following day with their big anti trump signs. Its funny stuff

Still so thankful Hillary didn’t take office!

Isn’t she in prison?

Take up a job and put the sign away 🖒

Yeah hillary would have been better lmao

I just came here to shit on hillary... thank god shes outta Washington

I will get high as a fucking kite and watch this tonight

Lol now your journalists are acting like 6 year olds? This is why nothing will work.. thank God fuckin hillary didn’t win ill say that much

To be honest i loved todd Phillip’s cameo in Due Date. Thought he was hilarious

Because he was even still a better choice than the fraud Hillary. Says alot about her

George W Bush is the fucking man. Obama looked like a scared little sis compared to him... if only G.W. could have served another 8 yrs

These libtard articles and comments just make my fucking day. I love it. Can’t quite accept who we voted in eh? Deal..

That’s fine

Naw Rosie’s too fat