
We've all been there, honey.

Yes! No one does that. And why do people only receive bad news while holding something made of glass?

The entirety of Lost.

I thought that was a rock-solid episode of this show. I'm used to finding this spin-the-wheels episodes so frustrating because the writers were so terrible at characterization beyond "I'm angry at you!" Gold stars to the actors playing Daryl and Beth.


Great story!

More The Following means more The Following reviews. Count me in.

I'm 'shipping y'all.



"Dancing On My Own" is straight-up devastating AND a perfect club song.

Have to say something that I'm sure is super obvious, but Hannah complaining about having a corporate writing gig is THE WORST. Just… ugh. Are you kidding me? Like, I think the show wants me to be having this reaction, but holy hell, eff her.

I was thinking the same thing, but Groff is just so good that he sells the shyness.

I do think Brandon's doing a really lovely job. He draws attention to shots and framing that I hadn't even considered. Damn. Love this show.

It was a really great final scene, but I'm biased because the actor playing Richie gives me the vapors.

The whole "fried chicken isn't allowed at home" scene was excellent. I was soooo proud of Patrick.


I watched the first movie at a brew-and-view at The Vic in Chicago. It was goddamn enjoyable.

His death scene still chokes me up.

Ollie wants to pound Roy?