
The whole "woman's touch" thing really makes me bonkers. That's right, bonkers. I've spent a decade in male dominated work environments. Not anything like silicon valley (I'm a commercial fisherman and a professional brewer), but I'm always the only woman in the room (on the boat).

if you are married to yourself, but go on dates, is that adultery?

As a former pro ass shaker, yeah, groups of women are the WORST. Groups of hot straight chicks take away attention from customers and buy lap dances "ironically" while laughing the whole time, and groups of lesbians tend to make men uncomfortable. Sorry. And while I want to agree that women in strip clubs don't

I am always confused when reading about how colleges try to cover this shit up. Why is the university even involved? I didn't go to college. So maybe I just don't get it. But... Shouldn't rape be a police matter? I truly don't see how this is even university business. Clearly they suck at it.

We bought a DeLonghi oil space heater a couple years ago. After one month our energy bill had gone up over $100. It has been sitting in the shed ever since.

We bought a DeLonghi oil space heater a couple years ago. After one month our energy bill had gone up over $100. It

my husband also sits. He says "why not just take a seat?" And really, why not sit down? It makes my girlfriends jealous that we don't have the "who left the seat up" wars, which I guess are a thing.

This baby looks like an alien. Why is it's head so big? I don't like looking at pictures of friends babies or family babies, because I'm always like "yeah, that's a baby all right...." then they call me an asshole. Which is fine.

I'm enjoying this series. I know ZERO things about sororities, other than that they are easy to poke fun at. Which I am am okay with.

that woman's bra does not fit properly. It is really hard to look at.

This was way too long to be interesting.

vaj-wah? Seriously?

It's nice to see them airing their grievances publicly. Sadly, it won't help.

at least the kid shot her and not someone else.

No one should judge or give a fuck. I pay into social services - we all do. And when I need it, and I have needed it, I am thankful its there for me. That's why it's there. I have a nice wedding ring. Between my legs there lies a pot of gold. No one tells me to sell that shit when I am down and out. Sure, I could, but

Why not just spell out the whole damn word?

The Newport aquarium is in Newport Kentucky.

If they were boys would this be the case?

Well.... I don't get it.

We give gift cards for grocery stores and Starbucks. Lottery tickets.

I love Cuba because there is no America there.