
The first time I received gratitude from someone not affiliated with the struggle, I cried. He said "Just know, that even though no one knows what you are doing, it is important and there are people like me who will always champion efforts like this big and small". I don't regret it, but I had no idea how hard it

*re-comissioning* not decommissioning.

They closed the brewery before we could negotiate our first contract. So, our initial negotiation was for our severance packages. I had filed unfair labor practice charges with the NLRB for things said to me during our union campaign. When the company and the union reached a favorable agreement for the severance, it

I was fired for union activity.

I feel similarly, although I never discuss it. It is frustrating to have my decision not have children judged and criticized - and everyone does it, family, friends, random people making small talk at the gym or on an airplane. No one questions my husband when he says "we are not having children". But when a 32 year

I would do this. My husband knows I am capable of this. He is nervous when I am home alone. But still, he does not take my requested "spider sweep" seriously.

I want that T Shirt.

"If something sexy happens before I go to sleep and I drift off without underwear on, I'll wake up in the middle of the night, gripped by a feeling of vulnerability bordering on mild panic that can't be calmed until I've located my underwear and put them on. "

One time my mom forgot my sister at day care. Until, like, night time. At bed time I asked "Where's Liz?". My mom lost it. The day care lady had just taken her home and they were at her house watching cartoons.

I think it varies by state. But I don't know. I bet Google does.

Nope. Don't talk to me. For real.

ONLY 25K? I'd add a zero and start negotiating. They have no defense.

That's super rad.

I have lived everywhere. Suburbs. Cities. international cities. International suburbs. Boats 100's of miles off shore. I lived alone in the woods for almost a year.

Reading responses of people who claim they have not been harassed, or have been unaware this was a thing, make me want to punch all my windows out.

So tough chicks don't get messed with? That's just offensive.

Maybe you aren't aware of it? Or you don't live on Earth? I cannot fathom this.

I am shocked that ONLY 65% reported experiencing harassment.

My husband did the same thing. My dad did not respond. He later told my husband "she will always do whatever she wants".