Why isn't there a kickstarter campaign for this?
Why isn't there a kickstarter campaign for this?
That Millennium Falcon shot is the only part of the trailer that I dislike. It irked me that there was yet another thing flying in an atmosphere with contrails that had no reason to have contrails. Then I realized that without them, it's just an object rotating in space with no real sense of motion. Then I realized…
Because Isildur, a purebred Numenorian, thought he could control it and couldn't. Faramir knows what happened to Isildur, and has a pretty good idea of what will happen if he repeats that folly. And he doesn't just shrug it off. It's clear in the books that he's tempted, but he is also the type of person to "not…
The best description for the LotR movies I've seen is Swords Replace Emotions. After the first movie everything is solved through violence or the application of power, the more supernatural that power the better. It's exactly what I was expecting to happen in the first movie, but Jackson actually got me to believe…
Theoden in the movies gives up completely. In the books after he realizes that Grima has been lying to him he marshals his forces and marches towards Isengard to confront Saruman. When they run into Erkenbrand's forces retreating before the Uruk Hai they practically have to drag Theoden back to Helm's Deep. In the…
I have a hard time believing anyone who is a fan of Gaiman and aware of Goyer is happy about this news.
I still enjoy Dark City in spite of Goyer's name being associated with it. I like to believe his only involvement was the voice over at the beginning that got nixed in the director's cut.
I've had Rimbaud Eyes stuck in my head alot lately. I think it might have something to do with listening to that album as I'm going to bed and usually falling asleep right around the middle end of the song.
I'm going to see Opeth and In Flames tomorrow night. Five to seven years ago I'd have been super hyped about this. Now I'm just hoping In Flames only plays things from prior to Sounds of a Playground Fading. Oh, and that Opeth doesn't play Goblin.
Screw Leibnitz and Newton. Use that time machine to stop the Christian monks that covered up Archimede's work with a bunch of religious bullshit and we get calculus in 300 BCE. I'm betting we'd have flying cars by now if that were the case.
I saw a trailer for this a couple weeks ago and made a note to myself to keep an eye out for it. I failed to do that. Hopefully I haven't missed it in the interim and it'll play somewhere near me (well, nearer than Chicago).
I didn't pick up on any indications what she saw other than that it was sexually explicit. I rather liked her response to the situation, though.
Yeah, the hat has been mine ever since I saw this conversation had on this site at some point in the past.
Looking at that cast, adding Tatum is about the only thing Tarantino could do to potentially make me hate this movie.
My parents never got cable when I was a kid, so almost all of my MST experience was the shows they did on… I can't remember if it was channel 23 or 41. I think it was 23. Argh! I should be able to remember this, they dropped the watermelon on New Years Eve… Anyways, I'm pretty sure I've missed that one. I…
Yes, the Vikings being terrible are why I brought it up. The Minnesotans I know who don't rag on Wisconsin are Packers fans or married to one.
Yes, but those nutcases send an alpha nutcase to Washington and then we have to deal with nuttiness by associated once the press gets ahold of them.
Are there people not from MN who frequently take pot shots at WI? Having been born in MN, lived here my whole life, and not a football fan, I'm pretty sure I'm obligated to make fun of WI whenever I can.
And she got 40% of the vote!