Inanimate Carbon Rod

yeah, they had a whole season to make WIlliam go dark, but had to save it. So it happens overnight, literally. If he was gonna kill Logan, I wish he'd just actually killed him. I'd think the park would monitor guests and go save him before he died of exposure. He'd probably tell daddy not to promote William.

I think the empty cold storage was all the people that came out of the woods towards MiB.


The story is a little off. Why does a ten year old live alone in a castle with hundreds of servants and no parents? Why has nobody in town ever even heard of this huge castle and the rich boy-king who lives there? Why does the boy answer the door, when he has hundreds of servants? Why is that old lady such a

They made a point of showing the machine working MANY TIMES. Would only make sense they were printing her replacement.

Seems today that Ford knew about the satellite uplink stuff already.

that's what I was thinking. Replace a president, or member of Supreme Court etc.

Plus they seem to make a point of saying people rotate in and out of the park, and mention lots of people that 'havent been there that long' and stuff. There must be thousands of employees.

Remember the old 'you got your chocolate in my peanut butter… you got YOUR peanut butter in my chocolate!' commercials? good times.

He keeps pointing out he knows everything. I think he saw/heard the 'blood' convo and let it play out.

In his convo he seemed to know about the data beaming. He is protecting his park.

Beema I think that was Ford again showing he 'knows everything'… ie that he has cameras everywhere and he heard the 'blood sacrifice' convo and allowed it to happen.

It's 2016, where's my monkey butlers ?!?

I'm pretty sure we saw the same workers and Beefy McSecurityGuy in the control room/map room when MiB wanted to use the exploding cigar, and also during scenes containing the rest of the plot… but who knows?

If you didn't think there would be 'secret' humans that were robots, I don't know what to tell you. Way too Blade Runner for that not to be on the table.

I guessed it as soon as he had a dead son and a wife only on video chats.

She's either dead or hidden by whoever grabbed her. No chance she came home to her dorm and went on vacation to Saturn or somewhere, all off screen.

I feel like Felix is a robot. Sylvester I think would've run screaming off to tell his boss that this bitch wants to kill him.

You'd think reporting her for making death threats might be important… even enough to get them out of trouble for their small transgressions (in comparison). Of course I'm sure Ford already knows what they've done, since he knows everything.

Beefy McSecuityGuy is a Hemsworth? The hell you say!!