To be fair, Broad City should make everyone feel bad about everything. It’s what I desperately wanted Girls to be and boy did that turn out poorly.
Relax, Natalie. People hate The Phantom Menace way more than they hate Garden State.
Gillette. The Worst A Team Can Get.
Sorry, but a black guy getting bad reception in the Boston area doesn't qualify as shocking news
Thank you for this. I have literally never seen someone who looks like me in a relationship, and that’s often the ammo the voices in my head use when they’re trying to convince me I'm worthless, so it's very helpful to have contravening evidence.
In all seriousness, I really needed to read this article. I pretty much hate myself, and can’t see any future where things turn out okay because I believe all the negative things that have been said. I’ve lost a bunch of weight, and regained it all in recent years, which probably hasn’t helped, and I know that I’m…
As you can probably tell by my user name, I am a woman who is currently and has been (through every stage of my life during which I had self-awareness), overweight. I don’t like referring to myself as “fat”. I much prefer the way Jodie Foster replied to Jamie Gumm: she was a big girl. I am a big girl. Now, before…
Y’know, I am willing to bet that there are charismatic, handsome fat dudes out there who are absolutely killing it. But three years ago, when I slept around a lot, I never once had sex with a fat dude.
I’m fat.
I just want to say I came across this article on another website. I for the longest time felt ashamed for liking chubby women. All my friends in college and beyond wanted the skinny anorexic somebody please feed this girl a cheeseburger kind of chick. You know the ones where you can see their ribs? Through their…
it is nice to remind the fat people that they are, in fact, fuckable. this article was actually a public service. no seriously. this is a terrible planet, and sometimes we need to get a little raw and flush. Direct, as it were. And now off to see the crazy people doctors.
There’s this weird standard for on-screen relationships that bleeds out into our everyday lives: that if one person is a certain level of culturally-determined hotness, their partner should be equally hot. That a “10″ should only date other “10s,” as it were. This is not how attraction works. And the unfortunate…
My husband is fat (19 stone / 6ft). He was the fattest he’s ever been at the point I met him (his scales only go up to 20st, so more than that), and I adored him on sight, even though I was married to someone else at the time. I have never known love or sex like the love and sex that we have. I didn’t actually know…
My boyfriend. I am fat, he has thin and fat exes, he thinks I’m hot. There ya go.
This fat man thanks you and those like you.
Pierce Brosnan