
Selma, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :````````(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

hey assholes - you do have a choice. you don’t have to vaccinate. keep your kids unvaccinated and home school them. there is your choice.

Great, Patton Oswalt’s vision of “Twat Mist” and “A Forest of Cock-Shafts and Labias” is going to come true.

This whole thread can kiss my ever-expanding ass! Have you people no shame?

Might I suggest using these new “bite sized” bags of evil for this.... particularly mars bites/milky way bites (s’mars) and reese mini cups...

That’s what I was thinking; the marshmallow needs to be golden-brown, and this won’t do it.

This is a deer in the headlights look if ever there was one.....

you may know this, but “leck” is a wonderful german word that means lick, and is part of our version of “kiss my ass”. we say “leck mich (am arsch)“=“lick me (on my ass)“. but a certain subset of people in my area are lazy, and when they’re displeased about something they’ll just go “leck! leeeeck! leeeeck!”.

He might not seem like such a terrible option after her time with Sean Penn.

Because Kristen Bell IS cute.

huh huh

It was cute when Kristen Bell did it...

Your move, Sarah Silverman. Your move.

“I wonder what the theology of “she did it first!” is.”

Love that the wife is pretty much saying, ‘Fuck you, soon-to-be-ex’.

There is a big difference between choosing to behave a certain way and demanding that others behave that way. Billy Graham chose not to be alone with women that weren’t his wife, maybe that was his way of warding off temptation, maybe he was afraid they’d lie about things that didn’t really happen. It kinda doesn’t

Makes NO SENSE to me why these types fight Sharia Law from comin’ to their towns. Seems like they would love to make that stuff official!

Graham himself lived by “The Billy Graham Rule” where he would not “meet, eat or travel” with a woman by himself,