
Bryan Singer’s last film says yes, people would be discussing this if both director and star were men and the director kept disappearing from the set. 

The movie bares so little resemblance to the character, I’d rather they just rename it. We’ve had two great Constantines and I was really excited for this new series, making John black and british gives you a completely different set of colors to paint with while still keeping the character. 

It was not good. 

It’s solid state. I don’t know that iPhones have ever had a platter in them. 

Oh that’s right where I went. You know that’s what it is. 

I just want Pip the Troll to look not dodgy. 

Just bring back Inbox! 

Knows about the dying population and lost his foster parents due to it. 

Looks very generic, but... is that the Blackhawks symbol behind Brosnan? 

Tom Rothman. The same guy who personally held up making Deadpool until he was forced to greenlight it. There’s a pattern. 

Pokeball Plus is $150 on Amazon!! Holy crap!

And Season Two was used to set up spin offs, of which the Ashoka and Bo-Katan I’m actually interested in seeing. But dam if the best parts of Boba Fett weren’t just Space Lone Wolf and Cub.

Are we not talking about PROJECT KHAN because Memory Alpha has already been edited to deal with this beyond stupid “fan service” retcon. It’s one of three times I yelled an obscenity at my TV during this episode.

It’s set around the time of the founding of the Empire and the Spacing Guild. The Guild and Bene Gesserit use spice for their own ends. Bene Gesserit get to unlock generational memories and super cool mind powers, the Guild can see the path through space so you can move FTL and not crash into shit.

There’s almost 20,000 years between now and the start of Dune. 

It’s set not long after the founding of the Empire seen in Dune. This is when the Houses of the Landsraad were founded and while some have disappeared or merged, they’re not in the habit of adding landed royal families. We’ve basically got a ruling structure that’s been largely static for 10,000 by the time the first

I keep stocking up on 40w appliance bulbs just because I have two lava lamps I’ve had for over a decade and I refuse to part with them. 

Been saying the Secret Wars thing since they acquired Fox. It’s the easiest way to make a Cold War era FF movie and then merge them into the current MCU in present day, same thing with making Magneto a Holocaust survivor. 

I think they’re clearly doing Hickman’s Secret Wars as a way to merge universes. It’s also how we can get a Cold War era FF movie, and then post Secret Wars, they’er just merged into the timeline in present day. Same with a Magneto that survived The Holocaust. All multiverses are folded into the existing MCU and

Greg Smallwood is an art god.