
Maps. Paris maps. 

He’s a MAGA guy, goes to a church that’s homophobic, and is engaged to someone almost half his age. I mean that’s just for starters. 

Kate. Although Karen would have been an acceptable guess. 

THAT RIGHT THERE! Reading that I would have immediately looked for something else. Someone there obviously wants to talk to a manager. 

Yup. NoirBnB is another example. I noticed they had some really nice vacation properties and I bookmarked a couple for when we take our beach vacation. I have no reason to support AirBnB, I’m far more inclined to use a service that goes out of their way to support black travelers than one that’s hostile to them. 

Operating black sites. Covering up and destroying evidence in a clear cut case of murder by a cop. Is there any reason to save the CPD? Time to just wipe it out and start over clean. 

His base is already energized. He’s already claiming victory. Holding public hearings will motivate our based even more and maybe pull some independents over. The GOP literally paid no price for impeaching Clinton, this is a total no-brainer. Just do it. 

Plus she loves glamming it up like a Bond villain. Remember those gloves she wore holding fresh money? 

We’re just plain shithole. We’re not totally backwards. 

Joe Lieberman personally killed those options. 

Don’t bring Tony Todd into this, he’s a charming and talented man and I won’t have his good name sullied like this. Good day sir! 

I remember when John Kerry was presented to us as “electable” 

Joe’s “electability” should have been nipped in the bud before he even began his campaign. He eviscerated Anita Hill, which got Clarence Thomas on the court, which wrote the playbook for getting Kavanaugh on the court.

I find your ideas intriguing and wish to subscribe to your newsletter. 

I wasn’t in favor of the drone execution program under GWB, Obama, or Trump. 

This and “Gay of Thrones” are where I get the best takes from. 

I’m a vet and I think this is fucking vile. Like everything Trump does. And he’s absolutely endorsing white supremacist violence. 

You are 1000% correct. 

She used to be on my “So attractive I’ll ignore the awful things she says” list, but she’s just gotten so odious and full of privilege, I can’t take it any more. 

She’s a boss.