
Reddit is a forum for radicalizing young white men.

They’re trying real hard to see if my eyes can roll out of my skull.

She continues to justify my incredible crush on her. Her Twitter feed is a goddam delight, her activism is inspiring, and that fucking swagger in Thor walking away from the crashed spaceship.... swoon!

What the actual fuck??

I think BP serves as a warning to any other studio trying to run tentpole movies in a non holiday season against a Marvel movie that had big buzz as soon as the creative team was announced. When Ryan Coogler was announced as director and co-writer, I knew this movie was going to take all the moneys. I didn’t know it

Yeah. I’m utterly unsurprised by this. And I’m shocked, shocked, to see this officer was indicted when the fucker who murdered Philando Castile is still policing today.

I misread that as “weird and filthy” and it still works. :)

Totally agree. I break up fights every day between my boys and they do not think through what happens. Their brains can’t process it.

A nine year old cannot think through the consequence of his actions. My almost nine year old knows he’s going to get grounded when he decides to punch his little brother in the balls for making an annoying sound. He doesn’t care because he’s just thinking about hurting his brother to make the sound stop. You cannot

If you just go by Genesis (and I don’t) the first murder was committed without the input of a video game, movie, or a song. I have a six and almost nine year old, that kid does not have a mind capable of thinking through the end result of his anger. This is also why firearms don’t belong around kids.

Okay, now this makes sense. It’s still creepy as fuck, but I see the train of thought.

I know I’m having an off day and I’m tired but I cannot understand this at all. How do you get to bacon from there? I’m totally flummoxed.

It’s the only thing I like about these DNA joints. Also, I suspect this fact causes many of them to reject evolution. It’s better for their narrative if they didn’t admit where humanity originated.

Genghis Khan. Dude spiked the European gene pool hard.

Jeff Sessions continues to set the gold standard in combining racism and the justice system. Starts from the top and goes straight down to these fuckers.

Yeah, I sat through Valerian and I have a really good idea of what that would look like. I am also at work, so this is a problem.

Scott Pilgrim is a beautiful movie about a horrible person.

I’m waiting for Trump to use his signature handshake on Kim Jong Un. While there are armed soldiers in the room.