Best part of Valerian.
Best part of Valerian.
I read that and my eyes rolled out of my head.
The real fuckup: making Green Lantern Hal Jordan and the Flash Barry Allen. My kids have been watching the JL/JLU cartoons and their GL is John Stewart and their Flash is Wally West. Put the right goddam character on the screen first.
Ava is the one most current fans would likely know, since she was a supporting character in a recent Spider-Man cartoon.
And, like all good villains, he’s the hero of his movie. His points aren’t wrong, and... okay shit I can’t say anymore without spoiling it, but you’re totally right.
And that’s where I lost it. Also her “Get your nasty feet off my workbench” line were huge in the theater I saw it in. Letitia Wright fucking steals this movie.
Iron Fist was awful. If I want to watch a legal drama, there are a ton of shows to fill that void. I wanted explody fists and martial arts fights.
Check out Marvel Unlimited. It’s the Netflix of comics, only have to wait six months for the new issues to show up. At $10, it’s a helluva deal.
Stop pointing out armed white guys kill more people in America than any other demographic. We have no room for facts here.
And, being a Translucent American, I saw it last night and Emily is really overthinking this.
That won’t even stick. No pun intended. He’s right about shooting someone on Fifth Ave and still getting elected isn’t a stretch.
I didn’t find Big Bang Theory or Two and a Half Men funny. A couple minutes into this show, I looked at my partner and said “This is just like BBT but with pot instead of geek jokes.” and that’s not a compliment.
“Wild Orchid” with Mickey Rourke also wants a word.
Two of my three Japanese Chins are mill rescues. The grand damme of the house is Mocha, a ripe old 14 and still feisty as fuck. After clearing up the rot in her mouth with antibiotics, she’s been the alpha of the house.
Yeah, my dad used survivor’s spouse and children benefits to quit his job and go back to school full time when I was a kid. Living on less than $500 household income as a teenager in the early to mid 80's was just wonderful. Now, of course, my dad’s a Fox News viewer and complains about people mooching from the…
That white dude buying sushi and lobster with SNAP is evidence of a huge problem with fraud and abuse, but the continued stream of cops lying, murdering, planting evidence, and falsifying arrests are just isolated incidents and not evidence of a systemic problem with all police departments.
Attitude. They think their shit doesn’t stink. Which to be fair, compared to the rest of the world, it doesn’t stink as much as everyone else’s. In the movies T’Challa’s dad T’Chakka is on an outreach program to share their wealth and technology with other countries in Africa.
Yeah, “Everything happens for a reason” implying some kind of devine hand behind things stopped making sense to me ages ago. Everything does happen for a reason, usually because people are terrible.
Yeah, my youngest boys both had basically ankle bracelets that locked the doors of the maternity ward if someone tried to take them out. Before we could get them removed (like an anti shoplifting ink stick) everyone had to be scanned and matched and confirmed by two people.
Jabba inspired my belly and a desire for a Twi’lek dancing woman.