Locke Cole (formerly DrakeinVB)

I hope you're happy I did your job for you.

Attention all precocious preteen brunettes: Ellen Page is offended by your blatantly ripping off her style. Please cease and desist immediately!

She's just mad she picked the wrong game to back.

Cute how you made a lame joke from 2000s, then get butthurt when people point out that you're a failure. Poor baby. People with personality disorders don't take minor criticism too well. It's a reminder of how mediocre they actually are.

She'd be crazy not go on that date with you and I do mean genuine psycho, butterflies made out of blood haunt my every waking moment crazy.

Dude,it was sarcasm.Really man,what guy would publicly state he´s too cheap when taking a girl on a date?

Hey baby, after all those rapists, I bet im looking pretty good eh? eh? Cmon!

just one item from the dollar menu or could she buy like $40 of dollar menu items?

why do i feel like you wrote that while wearing a robe (and ONLY a robe) while VERY SLOWLY licking barbecue sauce off of your fingers?...

Asking the article's author out on a date in the comment section...

You might want to think that these women should have said or done something to defend themselves. Don't. Because there's a common theme here: immobility. When you're approached or attacked like this, you can find yourself paralyzed. Confused. Unsure of how to respond. Over time, many of us find our own ways to deal

Haha, that's a pretty awesome quote from him. To be able to spend 15 minutes chatting with him at a Con is pretty awesome too. Normally you get shuffled away by the line Nazi's or staff.

This game is really strange and kind of frustrating to me. By any objective measure it's a fantastic game. The story is compelling, the characters are well fleshed-out, the animation is stellar, the voice acting is top-notch....

Nice to hear stories like this. Fallon always came across as a guy who genuinely got excited about games and movies... his celebrity status always made it seem like he was just selling it for TV, but you can always tell when he's really jazzed about something.

Fuck them both... Bow down to your master.

You! Cole!! Locke Cole, you stop enjoying that sex RIGHT THIS MINUTE! Procreation only!!

Better settle down before you're brought to Room 101.


Mutiplayer may be the best part of the game in your opinion but you will be locked out of that with a used copy of the game. You have to buy new.