Locke Cole (formerly DrakeinVB)

I think this will be the first comment here that expresses excitement and delight at this. I don't care about the silly name, I don't care about the PS4, and I don't care that they aren't KH3.

They're being shortsighted and what's worse, making the process of getting a game harder. If I'm a game company and I released Ninja Knights 3 last year and I'm releasing Ninja Knights 4 next year, I'm totally down with used sales of Ninja Knights 3.

Why? Well, I've probably got DLC for NK3 out in the marketplace.

You had me at oceanfront.

If we did that, a commenter named Xb1x would probably complain.

I guess the lifespan of the game is the deciding factor between a good game and a truly great one. The great ones go onto become classics that get played for years and the good ones simply get played until their sequel comes out (at best).

I've never been a fan of fighting games, unless they have something in them I'm familiar with. I picked up SC:IV because of the Star Wars skins, and loved it. Learned to play, wasn't half bad, and I hear Soul Calibur is one of the harder ones to be decent at.

Didn't this game just come out a week ago? So the DLC characters are coming out only 3 weeks after the launch?

Gotts love the anonymity of the internet... making begging strangers for money a socially acceptable business plan.

Heh, my thoughts exactly when I saw it.

Oh god XD

You, Sir, are a true gamer. Kudos.

"sooooooo yeah this show starts off great but its ends just terribly with way to many plot lines and unanswered question"

What about having little to no exclusives nowadays? Its main two games worth a damn now are Halo and Forza, since Gears of War has basically jumped the shark with its lead designer/creator out and Epic focusing on other titles. Lionhead is a joke of what it used to be as well.

I recently started playing the Tomb Raider series (just at the start of this week, actually), and while I'm having fun, I'm very happy that I have the games on PC save anywhere!). Father Time really took a bat to the original. The weird "grid" style of level design is something I had never noticed until I started to

So there where women that felt uncomfortable? I don't see how this is an issue, it isn't as if feeling uncomfortable is actually 'bad', sure we tend not to like it, but that is an entirely different point. Was it an odd choice, giving the subject at the meet? Sure. Could those women grow a bit of a skin, preferably

First look up the definition of the word militant. Also look up what a feminist is.