
I would rather they add weather to the notification screen or lockscreen on the iPad or additional widgets to turn on and off things like blutooth, wifi, 3G, etc... to the notification screen like IntelliscreenX.

Sometimes there isn't a good central location to put it in depending on location of your cable/DSL or any other broadband modem. Mine is located as close to the center my house as I can but the actual center is still another whole room over with no cable outlet to plug the modem into so my upstairs bonus room and the

I hear ya. I use a combo of all three at the moment. Wifi for my iPads and iPhones, ethernet with my Apple TV 2 in the living room (which is where my TWC modem and Apple Extreme router is located) and powerline to provide internet to the bed room for my other ATV2 and XBOX 360 and sometimes I switch the powerline

Let me put it to you this way. I would love to own a Mac computer of some form. I love my iPad 2 and my iPhone 4. Have been a big fan since my iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 1st Gen.

to each their own. I love my iPad and use it all throughout the day. I have an iPhone 4 too along with a laptop but hate looking at stuff on it for long periods of time since the screen is small. The laptop usually dies or has to be plugged in after 2-3 hrs of running. My iPad will last me all day and go about 10

Even if it was apparently the individual holding it doesn't know how to use it. There is a way you can set the focus to stay at one setting so it doesn't keep going in and out when you don't move that far away from the object that you are filming. My god that person should be shot and never allowed to film another

Correction, don't by andriod. Typically the iPads have no problem selling and having a following. There are so many different versions of andriod based tablets out there with mediocere specs and crappy UIs that it confuses a lot of people and deters them from buying them. I know that is one thing I like about my

Word would be nice for those of us that do homework on the iPad for school. I do a lot of work on it sometimes for typing up letters and instructions for work. Typically I type it up in Pages and then email it to myself at work for format the way I want. But atleast the hard work of typing up the document is

keep in mind that android based phones are practically given away so that helps get more into the field. Radio Shack had like a 2 for 1 sale or something in their flyer in December. I am sure that if Apple was giving iPhones away for free with 2 year contracts they would be flying off the shelves faster than they

Carrying around a desk top computer is great I am sure it is not as useful in certain situations. It would be nice to take it with you on vacation and hook it up to the LCD or plasma tv in your hotel room but it doesn't really do much good when you are sitting in the airport or on a plane for a few hours at a time.

jailbreak the iphone and use one of the lockscreen mods to put the calendar on the screen. I have done it before but to be honest I just use reminders now to prompt me for something.

To differentiate their tablet from Apple's. Should help reduce the possible lawsuits that Samsung has been going through over the last year.

See the way I look at the android phone thing is that there are a billion different versions of phones out there running android. Practically each month there is a new version coming out. And then a lot of them are sold for practically nothing or are free with a contract. Some are even two for one deals, just saw

Windows Phone > Apple and Google products. The Lucia should have been # 1.

I was thinking along the same lines.

The funny thing is that if this product flops, Verizon will be the one that is blamed versus Motorola in my opinion. The product will be associated with the carrier name versus the company that produced it. Pretty ballsy for Verizon IMO.

True With that android has a lot of options that the iOS devices don't but some of those things, from what I am guessing at, drain battery power or sometimes cause dramatic processing issues. Granted this is from a non-android perspective and from friends that have android devices.

Isn't rooting pretty much the same thing as jailbreaking? Both circumvent protocols in the operating system and allow the user to add additional functionality to their device from uncertified or unofficial sources.

I would like it if they brought Siri to the iPad 2 since the have the same amount of memory and dual core chip. I feel cheated with that at the moment. I am hoping on the iPad 3 that Siri will be on it since I plan on swapping my iPad 2 32GB wifi for a iPad 3 16GB 3G (LTE if capable) version next year.

So why in all the demonstrations do they hold the phone out on front of them no where near their ear? It seems to me that they would be able to put this on the iPhone 4 or the 3GS and it would still work. I never put my phone up to my ear to use voice command.