Panda Steaks

Came here for this, left satisfied.

I don't care if McLaren built the fucking engine $7k for a 30 year old Taurus is a CP

R what a good price matey

$2500 less and with the same miles as yesterdays tragedy?

I love this so much...


too long, didn’t read- too busy loading up the pipe with some of the freshest crack.

Same, I immediately skipped the article and voted CP.

You’ve expressed my sentiments perfectly. Well done.

Rob, you’ve got 3.4 liter in the first text; later 3.1 and the photo shows 3.1 liter.


They sell the 540C, which is practically catering to the homeless. I want the prestige of a proper sports car, not a pauper’s sports car.

How many of you hungover assholes are gonna vote NP??

I love Ghibli gravy

Rivan stock up 1000%

I vote down puppies! And kittens! Muhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

The price may make you want to Saab, but in this combi I have to vote NP...

Mach-E auto... get it?