
If the new Fantastic Four were to make Sue and Johnny Storm brother and sister through adoption, I don't really see where they'd have to fall over themselves explaining it away. It lets them diversify their cast, take some artistic liscence and cast a strong and, I feel, undervalued actor. I've never been a big

I feel like Fox got most of the strong female superheroes in the Marvel movie divorce. They're turning the X-men films around, but they don't have the grand ambition that Disney has with the Marvel films to put out a whole bunch of single character films. It's too bad too, because I feel like the latest X-men movies

Pfft, racist.

Give your Black Widow action figure a motorcycle. Problem solved. 1 million units sold. You're welcome.

Eva Longoria was on Maher and works with Latino outreach. Tina Fey was/does not… that I know of?

Pretty sure Dave Foley's free…

Mind = blown.

Wasn't there a season 1 episode that involved Jake sleeping with the forensic pathologist though?

I recall when the second season of Digimon featured a completely new cast of younger characters and slowly worked the season 1 characters back in. It shook up the status quo in a bold way that I can't recall any kids' show ever doing. Sorta like season 2 of the Wire… only with more monster fighting and less boobs.

I once witnessed a brief fistfight in a mall between two teens that left one with a bloody nose and his shirt torn wide open, and his shirt didn't have buttons…