Scott Huntington


I think lapped cars should be allowed to turn around and drive in the opposite direction at full throttle, take out a few opponents, then pause and hit ‘Restart Race’.

...wait, what are we talking about again?

I’m not certain I want to expose my cell number to someone who wants pictures of a bag full of shit on the internet?

Your guarantee isn't worth the time it took you to write out. You should be sent to the greys, trash. 

Oh please dude. Just because you're not having a problem and are a Nintendo slave doesn't other people don't deserve a solution. I don't have the issue either but I can admit there is OBVIOUSLY a problem.

You are ridiculous for your comment. Your families systems happen to be the few that didn’t have the issue, but to make a claim that so many people dont know how to take care of their systems is complete bull dong. When does a handful of People speak up for hundreds of people with complaint of this same issue?

Dust you say?!?!?

Man, you’re so smart, of course not one person out of all the people experiencing this issue have tried to fix it with simple remedies. Or have tried cleaning it after taking it apart.  They’ve all just sat around and complained without researching the problem.

So like many Nintendo problems before it can be solved by blowing on it?

especially the catchers, who suddenly have to improve on an athletic skillset that will only really be needed in this specific league.

I’m not a big Barstool guy and always prefer to read Deadspin, but...

“What’s an F5 poop tornado like?”

Psh...yeah. Only 760hp..? Might as well have bought a Prius!!11!1!!11!1!!

It is far too early to be this unimpressed with something that is quite exceptional, sir! 

The idea wasn’t to build an electric pickup truck, it was to build a Tesla pickup truck. No way to do that except starting with a Tesla. And she did a freaking amazing job.

Cheaper maybe, but WAY more work.

Bruins, especially Chara, definItely committed the most non-called penalties in fucking NHL playoff history. Sit the fuck down or go cry somewhere else.

One thing they ought to do is stop fucking worrying about recreating the situation from last year. They’ve managed to make this A Thing that we’re all going to have to deal with for years.

You may be in the minority on this one, unfortunately. 

Fucking spoilers. The worst part is they leaked the celebration photo too so you know it’s true.