
Sabrina better show up by episode 5 or I'm out.

Can't wait for the War of Five King's Cats.

I'm kind of glad Superman Returns was a flop because it allowed Brandon Routh to be Ray Palmer in the Arrowverse and he's so much better there.

Unbreakable 2: What A Twist!

Wasn't Echo in love with Narcissus? I seem to remember some version of the myth where she stayed with him while he was lost in his reflection, and wasted away leaving nothing but her voice, hence the origin of the word echo.

Are we not doing meming anymore?


Well, that's just Spoilers 101. Classic Billy Everyteen.

I did not even read the rest of the deals before I bought it.

I was hoping he'd remember the category at the last second and change it to David Letterhall.


I thought it was Savitar making Oliver see Laurel to get him to open the damn box.

Rene is turning into the Mick Rory of Team Arrow, and I like it.

I just clicked on this for the Poots jokes. Thanks for not disappointing me.

There's no way they're killing off Jimmy Olsen. Although I thought the same thing about Black Canary, and look how that turned out. I'd be fine with them sending "James" back to Metropolis though.

HR is fine, but I really want to take those drumsticks from him and jam them up his nose.

The guy was a Navy SEAL. That's like a ninja, a Jedi, and one of the Knights of the Round Table all rolled up into one. They're unbeatable. At least until the end of the episode, when it's time for them to lose.

Robert Silverberg's Majipoor series.

They should totally do that on the show! Everytime Diggle's son is mentioned or shown on Arrow, a little box should pop up on the bottom of the screen that says something like "Confused that Diggle has a son now instead of a daughter? See Flash S3E2 for details!"

But I'm pretty sure there have been multiple times in the "Previously on Arrow" segments that they've replayed the conversation between Barry and Felicity that mention Diggle's kid is a boy now because of Flashpoint.