
As soon as Caitlin and Barry hook up, Ronnie comes back from the dead. Book it.

I may have let out a little squee at that line. Just a little one.

As a PhD scientist in biology and a nerd, I have been extremely disappointed in the large number of non-nerds I have encountered in my career. I thought I would be talking superheroes and science fiction all the time. I even made a Schroedinger's Cat joke once and all I got were blank looks.



The salmon ladder was tragically killed in the epic battle between the Arrow and Deathstroke. Next season Oliver will risk his very soul as he descends to the depths of Tartarus to retrieve his one true love!

Here's hoping they can defeat the evil Dr. Anonymous this time!

Yeah, I don't need a bad grade to tell me this show is garbage, I pretty much came to that conclusion before I came to this site.

That's enough for me. This show is dumb and boring. I'm out.

What does he know, he's a cat.

I just want to know how Boo Berry, Count Chocula and Frankenberry are going to fit in this universe.

It's a good thing I'll never be President, because I would have a standing order that anyone who pronounced it "nucular" would be immediately shot.

That woman needs to be tied to a chair and forced to watch this on a loop for about a month:

Looks like they gave away the whole show with the bagel incident. Someone will find the missing people by taking off the back panel of the world and feeling around in the upper corner to pull them out, although they'll all be a little burnt.

I laughed my ass off when the chief's daughter beeped the horn while her friend was committing grand theft jelly beans.


I enjoyed the book, it was a fun piece of nothing, but I don't see how this will make a very compelling movie.

Star Wars Episode XXX: Don't Be Silly, They're Not Making Thirty Movies, It's Porn (Please Don't Make Thirty Star Wars Movies)

But this is her best song: