scottbott: Or How I Learned To Quit Worrying And Love Kinja

Why does any of that have any bearing on the case ? I find it mystifying that people are judging the case on how both of them are perceived to have behaved in the trail, not on the witness statements, call logs, text transcripts etc. “Oh yeah i can tell he/she is a wrong un by intuition” is so bizare.

Yeah that’s the misogeny we were talking about

Just so you know you can dismiss the trolls if you want to. 

“Ultimately what I think is truthful was that they were both abusive to each other.”

No victim will ever be perfect enough for them, if that victim has a vagina and/or presents as a woman.

And because she was upset and he wasn’t, he’s more believeable. This is such bullshit. Maybe she was upset because what she was saying was true and painful to recall, and he wasn’t because he was repeating a lie he cooked up and couldn’t get all that emotional about it.

One circle.

If it were a Venn diagram, I suspect it would be one perfect circle.

Here’s a Venn diagram

Corporations don’t work. I was a part of corporation XYZ and all they cared about was the money. They did nothing for the employees.

Your personal experience with the UAW is not enough data to declare “unions don’t work.” In the US, unions are responsible for some of the most rapid gains in worker benefits and improved quality of life in US history.

What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

I think you are making assumptions. What proof is there that she was responsible for Motive and Visceral at EA? That’s a company’s whose whims are dictated by shareholder perception. Look at everything else that has happened there. Furthermore, I find it hard to buy that she was responsible for Stadia flopping. Both

It’s strange. As a trans woman, I’ve seen both sides of this. the part where it was supposed to be arousing as a masculine action, and truly as a woman, where it’s frankly disgusting. There were times ages ago where the idea of it happening to me was intriguing or arousing but now, after being met with men who would, v

My limited experience on the other end of the gagging exchange is odd, kind of alarming, and—I hope—interesting. While I’ve watched the porn like a lot of people, I never put any effort into having a woman perform oral on me in this way (look again at all that porn and you can see how it might physically hurt people

I only understood like half of the clinical words here, but as a hetero cis male I would like to say, these videos never did it for me. Gagging is not a sexy thing to watch, the act I get, but the videos of others... Hard pass

I’m not buying the idea that the growing obsession with deep throat has anything to do with a man’s need to visualize female orgasm or pleasure. Hilarious. You can’t tell me that this isn’t a direct reaction to women being more and more vocal about sexism, feminism, and our collective anger. Put a dick in her mouth

I saw her post that image and likening it to republicans, and my mind went directly to one of my grandmother’s best friends. I remember her having tea with my grandmother in the kitchen and seeing her arm tattoo and being so curious what the numbers meant.  She explained to me that she was a Holocaust survivor, she

According to IGN, of that 1TB, you’ll really only have 800 gigabytes to work with. The outstanding 20 percent is partitioned off to save space for the console’s operating system and other files.

Excuse me, that’s Lord Vagina Neck, sir.