Flavored Air

Well, no shit there were so many crashes. The stupid Russians only finished building half the pipe.

Isn't the grass always greener on the other side? I think a lot of women would be very disheartened if they had the kinds of experiences men do on dating sites. That isn't to minimize what women have to deal with - after all, silence is better than overt aggression. Men don't envy the overall quantity, and I think

Yes. We know. Somebody always has to do a "MY PC DOES ALL OF EVERYTHING AND COSTS ELEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS LESS THAN A MAC!!!111!!!!" Pro tip: Everybody knows. Nobody with a Mac cares.

So she's supposed to stop living her life because an accident happened?

Two in the pink, one in the stink.

Fucking 1% getting their way again. Since they can come 2 minutes faster, they have more time to steal my money and give it to Wall Street bankers.



The Hawkeye baseball team has players who can't even hit .341.

Employee: Hello, A-1 Landscaping, how can we help you?

Coincidentally she's been witnessing more and more car accidents ever since she started recording Vines from her cell phone while driving.

Man, I bet truck guy wishes he had a vine.

Friends of the victim also said he was just a good ol' boy never meanin' no harm.

To be fair, I see that happen with Fords, Hondas, Buicks and many many others... Most new cars seem to have permanently lit instrument clusters now and I see at least 5 people on the freeway without their lights on during my commute every day (in the winter, when it's dark during my drive home).

If I didn't have integrity, I'd become a Browns fan now.