scortius the charioteer

cool name me a couple and I'll get right on that. I will come out and say the best bottle I've ever had was Pappy Van Winkle 20 and that took some pooling of money with a couple friends.

I concur, but I enjoy the mellower stuff, although I do like Tomatin 12 which is quite peaty, and only around $25. I've found Islay malts are not to my taste, it's like drinking wood smoke.

I have a fondness for cheap rye, like Pikesville, when I can get it which is rarely, or Old Overholt. Currently my favorite American rye is maybe Sazerac, I don't have much money and that bottle hits a sweet pricepoint for me, as does Buffalo Trace at about $20, I don't know of a better buy from $20.

Basil Hayden's is damn good.

Yeah i've been able to get that Balvenie for as low as 36.99 which is quite a steal, that's the main reason it's my go to single malt. I'd go with JW Gold for a blend, but it's above my stated price point.

Or Black Velvet?

I think The Other Guys is criminally underrated.

Tiglath Pileser III would like a word.


Also check out the History of Rome podcast, because it's generally awesome, and really gets going during the Samnite wars.

Those same patricians also did away with any attempts at reform which ultimately led to them losing almost all their power under Caesar and then Augustus.

The professionalization of the army was in part a response to the slaves taking all the agricultural work. Rome was becoming littered with out of work former farm workers and this solved 2 problems.

Stone Rollin! All the way to Zama!

With this and the Coen's apparent Roman set movie coming up, everything's coming up Rome! Except Cannae.

Perhaps, but the transition is going to be a bitch

I believe that's true up to a point, but the thing that worries me is the massive unemployment. We will definitely need a new monetary paradigm. Automation can be great because it liberates us from jobs and enables us to live a more rewarding, more productive life of leisure doing activities more worthy of human

Frankly I'm surprised they're not already doing this. They already fling figurative poo at their employees, why stop there?

I hope you've enjoyed working at Amazon, USPS, FedEx and UPS. Now go find another job or learn how to flap your arms really really fast. When it comes to technology, does anyone ever think in terms of whether or not this is actually good for people? I'm guessing convenience, and ultimately, money, are more


one other person is typing? What fresh hell is this?