Salvatore Corasaniti

Whooo buddy I am definitely going to see you in hell

I’m as disappointed as you are, to be honest.

Damn, son. People aren’t generaly triggered by statistics.

It’s good to see the New York Taxi Workers Alliance is using Mr. Saleh’s death to their own political advantage, and that you, Ryan, are using their materials uncritically.

15000 nyc taxis, most running with more than driver. So assuming 25k taxi drivers, 6 suicides. Comes out to about 1 suicide per 4200 people. The national suicide rate among men is approx 1/4700.

Hey buddy, I see the connection you’re making, and it makes sense, but it’s worth pointing out that Winslow hasn’t been convicted of anything in the first case, and his lawyer has put forward a version of events that at least sounds plausible. Maybe we should wait before we reach any conclusions about this.

The key to solving most crimes are casual baseless connections made by random people who have no idea what they’re talking about.

That damn dog just broke like 17 unwritten rules and I love him for it. But he’s never making it to the hall of fame.

No wonder catchers don the tools of ignorance: those dummies return balls back to pitchers the wrong way!

It wasn’t much better for adults. I went from work down to 7th and Constitution and waded into a massive fucking crowd with millennials who probably just found out who the Caps are, a bunch of Russians, and frat bros drunkenly calling out for their friends in a crowd of eleventy-billion people. There was no shade so

They were saying the Caps will always remember this moment.

Wife- “why are you smiling like that”

Just winning the Cup and being in Vegas, those are not the only boobs they are going to see in the city tonight.

“No, Mr. Bettman, they were saying Booooo-bs.”

Life without parole for Mustang driver should be sufficient. Let the piece of shit rot in the darkest of holes.

The victim blaming in the first article’s comments is disgusting.

In college a drunk friend stacked up no joke 100 packets of Taco Bell hot sauce in our kitchen and karate chopped it, sending hot sauce out 330 degrees onto every wall in our kitchen (he caught some of it too, which is why I didn’t say 360 degrees).

In the entire 100 year history of the NHL, Washington has never won so much as a single game against Las Vegas, even in the regular season.

Brazilian here. Some corrections are in order: