“we don’t care as long as it’s healthy” would be picked up as ableist.
“we don’t care as long as it’s healthy” would be picked up as ableist.
I do *not* buy this.
Reason #907908686 why I do not use Uber (or Lyft or other so-called services).
That, and Towelie shriveled up in the corner of the Marsh house and stoned out of his mind had me on the floor.
Smart little boy. Fuck the cult of forgiveness. He doesn’t have to forgive the bitch who tried to Emmett Till him.
mama’s family was a good show.
She was good in Poltergeist 2.
You know, I’m all for keeping it real and not letting money/fame/motherhood etc change a person too much, but COME ON.
All Men Are Ugly. Bald heads, skeevy eyes, manboobs, big guts, tiny dicks, low I.Q., big mouths, hairy backs, zero cleanliness, filthy habits, big baby tantrums, lazier than a day is long, and needy as fuck. Wait, that’s just you.
She’ll produce the only son who can maintain a full head of hair at 40.
He’s not bipolar, he has Borderline Personality Disorder. Very different animal.
If The Golden Girls are anything to go by, old people have the best sex. Like, wake up with the guy in bed next to you dead sex.
You know how else you could’ve seen her perform again, Mitch? If you hadn’t treated her like a cash cow and hadn’t pushed her to drink herself to death. Fuck that guy.
We have got to stop blaming his mom’s death for this/using her death as an excuse. It was sudden, yes. Unnecessary, yes. But my goodness you could hope she had laid a strong enough foundation to have not let this go on as long as profoundly as it has.
I live in the DC area... a really horrible dating environment, in my experience.
He went hard Republican once he found out about Rerun bootlegging that concert.
The Latino community is rife with anti-Blackness, and so is the gay community.
I’m glad for your friend. But I’m a 43 year old woman whose wish list for a mate is “be tolerable to be around and be tolerable to have sex with.” And this is somehow still “too picky.”
This will go perfectly with Basemental’s Drug mod...