
Ugh, why hype up Wes' death when it was some nobody that no1curr about? I was hoping it was Michaela or Asher but NOOOOOOO, it had to be some flop that has been seen in exactly one episode before.

That's funny, because that recently became my all time favorite Radiohead song. It's SO damn good.

I would call JDM an idiot if I didn't want to blow him; but I do, so I won't.

Do you guys think Bill Maher is hung? Asking for a friend.

Is that you Bill?

Oh trust and believe mama, I know EXACTLY how it works. *giggity*

What a bitch.

RIP in peace.

Is there adamantium in Wolverine's diq? Asking for a friend.

I'm a Bill Maher fan!
-No One Ever

Indiana Jones jokes, anyone?

No Kim Deal, no Deal.

He's one of two late night hosts (the other being Colbert) that I actually enjoy. If he has someone from politics on the show, he isn't afraid to take them to bat and ask hard hitting questions, unlike Fallon and his constant "OMG LIKE WANNA SLAM A PIE IN MY FACE HAHAHAHAHA I'M A CLOSET ALCOHOLIC!" shtick.

Not worried about this bright up and coming provocateur's future. He has a long career ahead of him… at Sephora.

Green Ranger, is that you?

Guess he ain't coming back to Berkeley anytime soon.

I vaguely remember this flop being a psycho Christian who hated gays?

Stick to Sense8, Wachowski sisters.

Best show on television by a country mile. My jaw was on the floor the ending of season 2… and season 1, really. It's perfect. So sad to see it done (and with a shortened season, too.) :(

I want Colbert to beat Fallon so bad in the 18-49 demo I can taste it. #BanFallon2K17