Thug wasn't considered a racist word until the past year when so called civil rights leaders tried to "claim" it. It means what it means, it has nothing to do with skin color. Gawker vs Jezebel, yeah, big difference.
Thug wasn't considered a racist word until the past year when so called civil rights leaders tried to "claim" it. It means what it means, it has nothing to do with skin color. Gawker vs Jezebel, yeah, big difference.
It's been almost two days without someone using the ever versatile white privledge reply! Give this poster a fucking medal!
I was using the pre-"hey, we don't like being called on our behavior because we're black" definition of the word. What term do you use for someone who robs a corner store? Tell me, and I'll use it. I'll wait.
He can't get a fucking rental car, either, but for all legal purposes, he's an adult man and old enough to make the decisions he did. When you take someone's things by force, it's robbery, not shoplifting (at least he was old enough to smoke those cigars, right?). You can't argue on the FOIA request, it is what it…
Required to register for selective service? Check! Old enough to vote? Check! Effectively emancipated from his parents? Check! I'm calling him a man, but since "boy" works better for your narrative, call him whatever the fuck you want. I try to steer clear of calling black men "boys", I hear they don't like it…
Is it weird that this just makes me want to play Sleeping Dogs?
Easy solution: just don't take illegal drugs.
I think the 18 year old man charged a cop because he was a violent person. Everyone is downplaying the robbery as if violent criminal behavior doesn't matter, and that this punk should be given the benefit of the doubt. Sorry, no dice. I'm confident based on police statements that the FBI investigation will…
What do you mean no such thing? He forcefully takes someone's things while they physically resist. How would you like to characterize his thuggish behavior so that it becomes ok?
She was eventually waved down by the kids after the eldest, age 8, became caught in a swing meant for toddlers. The officer called in the fire department and the boy was eventually unstuck.
Would that help you orgasm?
It was a strong armed robbery, but nice try.
<u mad.gif>
I care about you, Esteban, I care about you...
He didn't "deserve" to be shot at all. He was shot because he attacked the cop and tried to take his gun. This he didn't "deserve" to be shot implies that the cop was passing judgement, when in reality, he was trying to protect himself.
WHAAAH!!! You're reporting doesn't fit my narrative. Fix it or you all are racists! The police shot a violent kid (robbed store) who became violent with a cop. The media would have you believe that this punk became a pacifist when confronted by the cop, when the reality is that he attacked the cop and tried to take…
This is the guy!
These videos are really atrocious. I love film flubs and being cynical as much as the next guy, but these videos are just poorly thought out (and over long) whine-fests that do more to highlight these guys not getting it more than the filmmakers.
Really? I thought it was pretty solid for a kid's movie. It was a solid homage to the old animated show, which made about as much sense as the nitpicking that goes on here.
Ouch, why not just release them as digital downloads so you don't have the extra cost of manufacturing?