Amanda Black

I loved that line and delivery!

I just watched episode 6 after skipping a few. No, it's not really any better, but there's worse ways to spend 20 minutes. It's on par with those forgettable sitcoms that used to run after Friends back in the day.

I was thinking the same thing. I'd totally watch a Ground Floor/Cougar Town hour.

I'm glad that TBS gave this show a nice home. It's so rare to see grown adults living their lives on TV and having some fun along the way.

OT is the greatest episode of TV ever. Maybe not, but I love it so.

$48,000 is poor????? What???????? This poorly paid writer does not believe it. I do love Bob's Burgers though.

The smile on Phil, Claire and grandpa's face when they figured out that it was Luke behind the mask was priceless. That made the show.

The sarcasm of this article is so beautiful, it makes me weep. Bravo!

I cried my eyes out watching this ….so so sweet and real.

I cried my eyes out watching this ….so so sweet and real.

Wow, Lena Olin looks like Kristin Bell's mother…or maybe Bell in 20 years.