Nazi White Supremacist Terrorist Grifter-in-Chief
Nazi White Supremacist Terrorist Grifter-in-Chief
The sure jan meme is my favorite. I dont even post it anymore i just say sure jan.
Yoda’s actually in his custom Eta 2.
This is Eve:
Uncle Tom, or more recently Ruckus.
Agreed. Said it before: Bannon is smart. 45 is not, Scaramucci is not, but Bannon is. I’m not a conspiracy theorist in general but up is down and left is right since January so apparently I am now. Bannon had a motivation here, and whatever it is it’s evil.
Irish goodbye and French exit?
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
Always know where your towel is.
These guys aren’t even “real” Nazi’s. This is just a bunch of cosplay idiots trying to play at being tough. Jerkoffs trying to make their Call of Duty fantasies real.
So how long until the replies from those who think they’re the exception to the Ally rule start pouring in?
He has the best violence…
Wasn’t Trump threatening North Korea and Venezuela this week?
Because they’re whites.
Look man, I know this is a grimy cash grab.. This is a complete insult to both sports and a complete farce. I know that there is no way that McGregor can win- but! Since November 2016 we live in a fucking madhouse. Up is down, left is right, dogs meow and cats bark. And here is the thing, since the inmates are running…
I read the book. It’s actually quite good. The best part was when she paddled up the Amazon river, was attacked by alligators and rabid penguins, but was saved when she rode away in the pouch of a giant kangaroo. Those are all animals I have seen on TV, so I am sure it happened for real.