
I would sell my soul to hear the unfiltered thoughts from the obamas, the clintons and the bushes.

i’m trying to buy a house right now.

I’m so tired of cynical video game fanboys and girls. It’s such a cliche now. If you think you’ve got it all figured out you should go to school and become a videogame creator or producer or whatever and make the changes you think should be made and stop bitching about how other people are screwing it all up. You have

Until its proven otherwise I am fully convinced that the only reason Trump picked Carson for HUD is because he’s black and it has the word urban in it’s title.

He thought it was about Hamilton Burger [edited h/t Sue Kavaty], that noble Sisyphean hero who tried once a week to convict murderers of their murderous murders but was always outfoxed by that smug elitist Perry Mason.

Barron has the look of a kid who skins live squirrels.