
Better than the Falcons and their brief slogan “Weak Dogs Get Drowned”.

He asked the ref if it was a first down. The ref told him no. Jamesis doesn’t like taking no for an answer.

Diana Moskovitz is a treasure. Her reporting on the legal issues tranversing professional sports and the system are excellent.

This will be widely appreciated.

Ah yes, the age old physics dilemma of stoppable force meets movable object.

I disagree I think they will be worse. They got Jordan, Kane, Towes and Ditka. I highly doubt we will get the Super Bowl Shuffle and William Perry out of San Fran. It’s 31 years later and we still get shit about the 85 Bears. They are exactly the same as the Red Sox with Buckner. Only Bartman.

You know when people claim they have a black friend? I have at least 20 Chicago peeps as friends. I would be extremely happy for maybe three of them that live and die with the Cubs. I had a teacher who I will congratulate minutes after. The other seventeen I’m just flat out avoiding Facebook if the Cubs pull it

I’m pretty much convinced the Cubs winning it all would be the worst thing to happen in sports Fandom in my lifetime (I’m 31). Do you remember what happened to Boston fans when they won the World Series? Right now Cubs fans are kind of funny and quaint. If they win it all, I just can’t imagine the shit show. Don’t

The red painted curb does not look like an exit to me. This looks like the driver was a moron to me.

like the hospital, the junkyard......or Florida

I can’t believe the Carolina Panthers are 0-5

Today, my camp issued the following statement:

Came into the article expecting this, didn’t get it in the article, so +1 for picking up the slack. Maybe Kelly doesn’t have the best judgment in huge winds.

First reply! Remember when Brian Kelly killed that kid?

I want them to be free to earn money from their likenesses, autographs, and a cut of specific jersey sales. And I want them to get a stipend for being on the team that covers living expenses and food. So to answer your question... “a fair amount.”

I was heartened by how many of the responses encouraged him to go stand on the beach and test out his theory.

If they had thrown a soda can instead of beer, would it have counted as a pop fly?

My father is a die hard Republican (never voted for a non-Republican) very much fiscally conservative, served in the ROTC, fairly racist older white male, loved Reagan and both Bush presidencies. Trump is so god damn stupid it made that man say “Fuck it I’m out. I can’t vote for him.”