
It does! It does!

But will it ALT+D???

I actually think it's probably more of a bandwidth issue...

Now playing

I'm not just saying this to be an elitist internet prick, but I actually think this one is a bit more awesome.

While this is running my hard drive is FREAKING OUT. Closing the app, my HDD activity goes back to normal/idle. Open bitcoin again and DTDTDTDTDTDTDTDTDTDTDTDTDTDTDT... (That's the noise my hard drive makes).

Ditto. I was reading through the comments and starting to panic until I saw yours.

I can't imagine he would continue to "search" without ever receiving any results... even the most senile would see the flaw, I think.

While I agree that they shouldn't necessarily be touch-screens, his point about the "UI" (UX, navigation, really) is very valid. I love, love my nook and wouldn't trade it for any other ereader, but to say getting around the menus is clunky is an understatement.

@CaptainJack: I'm not gay, but can I be your Ianto?

You have a 24 foot LCD?!?! Jealous!

You win. Also, I know twins named Ian and Dean. Weird.

I want a *nice looking, analog simulating* eInk watch. Where is my *nice looking, analog simulating* eInk watch?


It is pure magic until you spot the one that doesn't move and cannot unsee it. Even when it's not in the screen I am now focused on individual cotton balls to see if I can spot the unmoving one again. It was beautiful until I couldn't see the forest for the trees...

Trillian. Of my ~75 contacts, 97% are on gtalk/jabber. 2% are on Yahoo IM. 1% is on MSN.

I'm perfectly happy with Rhapsody and, personally.

"If two grown men can't make a pervert happy for a few minutes in order to watch a film about zombies, then maybe we should all just move to Iran."

I want an eInk watch. Where is my eInk watch?

I think you're kind of assuming the worst. Personally, I love this feature but I don't ever see myself tagging "Coke" or any other major corporation. More like "Me and my bud at The Taco Wagon on main street". Local flavor, etc.

Zoom by scrolling (in case you don't have a multi-touch monitor)...