How could you possibly think this is a good idea???
How could you possibly think this is a good idea???
@rihahn: @holy holes batman:
Did anyone else notice she's packing heat on her right hip?
Why is there no google branding? Why can't I log in with my google account? WHY IS MY WORLD FALLING APART?
The Alice one is so much better and has been out for months.
@Fronzbot: I can think of two more words that can some up this video. It's gone.
Why on earth would any of the calculations be based on anything client-side???
Absolutely terrible. It did nothing but raise questions. Questions like "Why are they hammering a nail into a brick wall?" and "Why am I still watching this?"
@hawkeye18 has a huge gun: Actually it doesn't imply that at all.
@triangleman: You win for posting this. You win everything.
@Michael McElrath: Statistically speaking? Is it possible that the statistic you reference was derived by nerds? Either way, I'd like to see it...
@A Ferret: Are YOU serious?
@reuthermonkey: I would trade the soul of an unborn puppy for decent visualizations on my android phone.
If they would have picked any other cameo for this award, I would have started a one-man riot. I don't think I've ever laughed that much.
@Scobee: Or it's possible I dreamed that...
@CommodoreRake: You can block them. Hover over it, click hide, select "Hide &hearts" or whatever site it originated from.
This is not a redesign.