
Alright, so my take away from this is as such.

The show was Miles ahead of it's time.

I saw Zim as Dib's clone. He's in the same unpopular position, and they're always taking potshots at each-other, so neither of them can get ahead.

I really wanted her to be a cheeky canadian or american. I like the character design, and I want more like it.

(Don't watch these videos if you don't want to be spoiled on the lore.)

uphill both ways.

I hope I never sound this old.

This is a reasonable list. If I were making a game, that's what I would want.

So in using an external battery pack with the 3ds xl, my results have been mixed.

So in using an external battery pack with the 3ds xl, my results have been mixed.

I like it.

The problem is, some folks in the north east don't realize that building upkeep is important.

Hey, uh, Guys? Can I get my car?