
I tend to think of frat and banker bros as more lower-middle class or nouveau riche, but maybe that was true of preps by the ‘70's. Of course, I also think of hippies as a privileged social group (ever noticed how they’re all blonde WASP’s?), so I’m actually not sure what the new money and lower classes were up to

Yeah, but square doesn’t have fashion anymore. There used to be a look that you’d go for, with lots of tweed, natural shoulders, and white bucks, but now it’s basically buying whatever is on sale and isn’t too flashy.

You haven’t been following pop culture much, have you? ‘90's retro/nostalgia is in now.

Maybe he’s Batman. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t read that comic.

Yeah, but they didn’t really update Fred (likely because prep doesn’t really exist to the same extent and there’s not really a modern equivalent), Daphne (who should probably be in tunic and yoga pants), or Velma (who should probably look like Lena Dunham and give off the same “ambiguously autistic” vibe).

She’s gotten thinner and more busty over the years. If you look at the original designs, it’s pretty clear that she was supposed to be fat by the standards of the day (about average by modern standards) under that baggy clothing.

Fred was a bit more preppy, but prep, ivy, and trad have kind of died. Not sure if there’s a modern equivalent, as there’s no muscular mainstream with its own style markers any more, just people who are bland (probably due to the counterculture movement being immediately followed by gen-x apathetic cool).

Have Witches ever been anything but spoiled rich WASP’s that ruin neighborhoods?

Maybe you should have considered taking the time to equip the fucking chains. That’s what they’re for.

At the same time The Falcon is a pretty successful IP. I have yet to see a critic of Sam Wilson as Captain America who wasn’t a Falcon fan upset that Wilson wasn’t in the sky any more, and I’ve seen quite a bit of criticism.

You haven’t even heard about the Triangle Bush segment?

Don’t do this if you buy kosher.

Exactly the way I was taught in the 90's. By breaking the number up into “milestones,” I’m less likely to make a mistake.

At the same time, Islam and Judaism are monotheist.

Yeah, fuck the end on the ebola epidemic. It has nothing on having to listen to a dead-end political candidate mouthing off.

I wouldn’t exactly call this “founded,” since even the worst stuff most corporations do takes the form of staying ahead of the law. A better form would be a company discretely mailing the personal details of people it wants to get rid of to unaffiliated supervillains that it knows would be inspired by said letters.

There also seem to be a lot of Falcon fans pissed at the current Captain America.

I think they’re accepted in this case because the game effectively cultivates and atmosphere of menace and danger and follows through with increasing frequency as the game goes on. That’s beyond the fact that them being in a video game gives the feeling that you are required to respond (and often actually are) and the

The tests occasionally have false negatives, which tends to go up the closer you get to the point of infection for reasons. The false negative rate is especially high (>50%)in the few weeks after infection.

So, roughly how many days in the Jezebel archives will I have to go before I find a staff writer saying that gay men are disproportionately affected by HIV without being in any way contested in the comments? It’s a Monday, so maybe three?