One of these day, we’re going to have an accused rapist accusing his/her accuser. That’ll be quite the trial.
One of these day, we’re going to have an accused rapist accusing his/her accuser. That’ll be quite the trial.
I mean, that does seem like Christianity in a nutshell. It’s just normal for them.
Christians are weird, even the secular/atheist ones. All this stress on knowingly misleading children and controlling them through narratives of constant surveillance and unavoidable punishment. Judaism has divine punishment, but that’s held to be mainly for assholes of a biblical scale while the common man isn’t…
Goyim are weird.
As a Jew, it seems like the most likely purpose of Santa is to train kids in the Christian conception of faith, which is based on believing things despite contrary evidence, knowledge, and logic, and is enjoyed and tolerated due to Christianity’s prioritization of innocence/purity/naivete as the highest state of…
Isn’t that a bit like saying that we should imagine ourselves in the place of the women who shake and smother their children? She clearly wasn’t in a state of mind for first-degree to stick, but she still could have at least tried to seek a medical extraction of the fetus and then let the state pay for incubation (as…
I’m not sure she did. At that point in the pregnancy, she probably could have gunned for a c-section.
They technically are, given that most states cover this under either medicare or medicaid.
But the baby was living outside of her and viable. You can’t just shrug that off any more than you can shoot your kids in the face and call it an extra late term abortion. She’s likely being charged for attempted murder in the first place because she attempted to use a method that kills the fetus when extraction and…
Because it’s a viable human life? Roe v. Wade gave the right to terminate a pregnancy, not kill the fetus/baby. You can’t kill the fetus if doing so isn’t necessary to ending the pregnancy.
That one reminds me of how a video of some Arab Muslims harassing congregants at a shul was widely described as “Middle Eastern men harassing congregants” despite the shul being Sephardic/Mizrahi.
This is actually pretty close to one of my questions: are Ali and Jabbar mainstream Muslims of Nation of Islam, and do mainstream Muslims consider Nation of Islam to be real Muslims or the Muslim equivalent to the “Black Israelite”/”Black Jew” movements (they’re like Jews for Jesus, claiming to be Jewish while not…
Do we have any idea what the drugs were and whether they were actually effective and safe?
It’s always interesting how Asians are excluded from this analysis, as are Jack and Jill blacks.
At the same time, I can kind of see how it is at least partly coming from a loss of their own safe space. Sci Fi has long been a shelter for the neurodiverse (a group that tends to be male for reasons science is still trying to uncover), but there is a growing trend of neurotypicals deciding the measures of quality…
At least post-war, a lack of female professionals would have been futuristic. Between government measures to make room for returning GI’s (which may have included pushing publishers to nix female scientists) and the automation of pretty much all of the traditional female vocations from laundering to seamstressing to…
I’ve actually heard that the socialization inherent in daycare causes the practice to be a net benefit.
In western Russia, it’s traditional to take photos with all the major landmarks of St. Petersberg.
That’s actually a pretty big worry about both the school’s response and the protesters. If they’re willing to assault and threaten a fellow student just for being Asian and holding a camera, how much chance is there that they’ll hold out for fully fleshed diversity rather than just West European Christians and African…
So we can pay closer attention to the upcoming crosswalk and that asshole trying to merge into your car.