
This is a horrible situation. If The Order goes on to bomb partially because of this, the point that we've all made is that a) single player content is a big no-no, since it'll get spoiled immediately by LPers and people will have no incentive to buy and b) that padding is necessary because people will wreck you if

As dumb as this is, as dumb as it was with "Scrolls," as dumb as it is when other companies do it "King and "Saga," anyone?), the core issue is a messed-up copyright system that basically requires companies to do stupid stuff like this or risk losing protections.

Whoa there Kotaku, that's rather brave of you to say Amazonian Warriors is better than Civ 5.

Prosecute swatters as attempted murder.

He gets his tips! My dogs love him. My UPS and FedEx guys are hit or miss, but my postal worker leaves 2 dog biscuits in the mailbox everytime I get mail, knows my dogs names, and waves whenever he seems me in the area. As I said on his Christmas card "30 years of getting the mail, and you're the first post office

He gets his tips! My dogs love him. My UPS and FedEx guys are hit or miss, but my postal worker leaves 2 dog

Nagrand completed in 30 minutes is pretty ridiculous feat all by itself in my opinion.

I'd forgotten Shia could act. I'm on Team Unpopular Opinion on this one. Loved it.

How did he not pull this off? This was beautiful and he felt the energy of the music and choreography and it showed through his body. I'm having a hard time seeing why everyone is hating on this.

The nude leotard is nude because Sia wanted to strip everything from the dancers and make them seem vulnerable, which reflects the feelings she had as a child. Maddie represents a young Sia, hence the wig - it's the same cut as Sia's hair. Shia is supposed to evoke her father who dealt with mulitple personality

"Whereas Melkor spent his spirit in envy and hate, until at last he could make nothing save in mockery of the thought of others, and all their works he destroyed if he could"

Indeed. These "you'll plunge the earwax deeper into your ear" -comments just make me think of people trying to clean their ears like in one of those infomercial "look how Sue has difficulty functioning in the real world" -bits.

Yep - that's how I roll. Sorry, but while I don't need to do this every day, I simply cannot handle the idea of leaving that crap in my ears until it leaks out far enough for me to get at it with a tissue-covered finger. Absolutely gross.

When you use a cotton swab (e.g., Q-tip) to clean your ears, you're actually pushing earwax further into your ear canal, and up against the eardrum. At worst, it could damage your external ear canal or even rupture the fragile eardrum.

It's so trendy to bitch about Assassin's Creed, but you have to remember that every year they release a whole new game in a completely new setting with completely new characters, a full rich single player experience with side quests up the wazoo, and add several new mechanics that change how you play the game.


I don't know how the story is told in the game, but as far as the comic book tie-in goes, it makes sense.The trauma that Superman faces and how the story scalates from there, including the role Wonder Woman plays pushing him towards dictatorship, feel right.