
I am guessing that, in real life, even thinking someone might shoot at you with a lethal projectile would cause you to suffer... so any game where you are simulating that mortal terror is kinda about human suffering. I'm not judging, though. If you're into these games (like me) just don't pretend its something else.

The Test Range is where most of the crashing happens on the PS3 version, for me anyways.

To be fair, the console version has some invisible asset issues too, specifically when you spawn. The graphical asset issue is getting better, although sometimes even other players are invisible at first. It takes less than ten seconds at most for them to pop in. But my pet peeve with the PS3 version, anyway, is

I wasn't mocking you, but I was suggesting you gave up too soon. Then again, you're right, I don't play the PC version. I also don't have the BF experience you do, so, I yield.

I've been playing against dudes in BF4 (PS3 version) who are level 110. Don't you want to be level 110? Apparently it's possible... the game can't be that broken. I'm enjoying it, and it's been getting better. idk... think on it a little before you denounce the whole series, lol. Are you like that with your

Alright, I'll concede that we do not know enough of the details to blame the parents of these children for what happened. But, I will argue that initiating the question of the quality of parenting in response to stories like these can help increase awareness that poor parenting can have disastrous results. As much

So, this was completely unavoidable? Everyone related to this kid did everything right? This is just what happens in the world? I am really not trying to goad you here, just curious.

So your argument is either that this was a tragic first appearance of a mental disorder in a 13 year old child - previous signs of which no one had ever had any clue of - or that the internet causes or inspires rape. Which are you going for here?

Since when does seeing porn mean you ignore sensible instructions like that? He has clearly been lacking communication with sane individuals.

I saw porn before age 13, but I had also already been instructed not to force myself on others, in sexual, physical, or any other ways. That instruction held true for me even when seeing porn for the first time. This is a parenting failure right here.

I think, throw about $1,000,000 more on that fire and you've got a customer. I'd like to see even more physics-based destruction and interactivity coupled with the same unrealistic goat elasticity. And also more goat sounds more often. Goats are really funny. Maybe more NPC fear induced audio triggers too. Add a

I'm impressed with the edit.

Hobs 2 was a Mary Suesaster with a side of greatest LOTR hits. Much, much was still left to like, but it was the weakest Jacksonian Tolkana production so far - and it fell very, very far by comparison. And, to prove I am cool, I really don't nitpick about books vs. their movie's differences. I just want to see a

Yeah, it was a betrayal of the character, no matter how far he'd been pushed.

*checks face* Phew, no loads. Well, listen. I think Transformerbots G1 was pretty epic relative to a lot of the 80s toon corpus. It certainly held social sway. These movies, though, only paint emotions (mostly resignation with some vengeance dribblin's) on the metal men, whereas the cartoon imbued them with a soul

I actually really love The Island. Saw in the thee-ater and rented it on home video too. I recommend it to people of the ilk.


G1 Seasons 1 and 3 are excellent. Season 2 is gets strange. That's the grammar I intended to use.


What about Z-Cry? or Far-Z?