
What an awesome, awesome commentary Emily created about the vacuity (to crib a word from the article) of so many of the users of sites like Facebook and Pinterest. I mean, I can't think of a cooler way to alert people that they are literally trading falsehoods with each other in some sort of gleeful ignorance.

Ooh, please let us know if you like it.



This looks great. I applaud the art and style choices for being so whimsical and pretty. I think it also looks fun to play and experience. Another new console game I'm excited for!

Ok, wow, this is now on a VERY short list of console games I want to buy. It looks so well done! Even if I don't get a lot of time to play it right away, I kind of want this in my collection for later.

I call BS on these graphs. This is a spin-job. It's no doubt that game consoles have dwindled in sales in recent years. But consoles, games, peripherals, etc all exist in a continuum.

Actually, I think this is an excellent article. I am sorry to be so flippant - but I just found the new paragraph commenting feature. I got silly.

In 1995, Earthbound was a dud. Critics panned it—"nauseatingly cheery," wrote one reviewer—and sales were disappointing thanks to a bizarre marketing campaign and graphics too cartoonish for many American gamers' tastes at the time.

I was specifically thinking of Justin Bieber-ish, semi-androgynous types, but your points are valid, re: confidence correlating with male attractiveness. I think confidence can't be coupled with dominant or barbaric behavior or said man-specimen loses some points to the culture of female safety issues - which are

The other trend you did not point out is the Disney babe trend... slighty effeminate boyish guys are all the rage in young girl circles. This has been going on a while, so I think a lot of that is slowly morphing, as the first few generations of girls who socially reinforced these particular tastes in men with each

Do you live in the woods?

How can we EVER tell ourselves that we understand other species' needs, desires, abilities, and purpose on this planet? Humans are so arrogant. Look at this - another example of animal complexity, artistry, diversity.

Baby steps...

I still remember the way we (me too) all flipped out in protest when the Start button was introduced in Win 95. Oh boy were we wigged out on that little change. Years later, witness everyone flipping out that Win 8 dropped the feature for a nice change of pace. Haha... people are so people-y. I decided NOT to flip

Agree, agree, agree. I find the whole feel of 8 very clean and tidy - and responsive. I also like how you can right click on the Start screen to get access to all your old favorites - like MS Paint! Oh MS Paint... I'm convinced they are under some contractual agreement with some company to never update it with more

Super Mario Brothers for the NES is older (by seven years) than Windows 3.1

Windows 8 is really good, actually.

Got beat up by the BEAR. Needs to be a phrase people use all the time.

Instead of Project Titan they could have been working on this. I remember talking about wanting a Starcraft MMO like WoW in Barrens chat back in 2005.