Perhaps it'll be more refined next time. Look at Garnet. We know now that when Garnet was first created she was no where near as streamlined as she is now. She clashed like someone threw pink and blue cotton candy in the spinner at random intervals.
Perhaps it'll be more refined next time. Look at Garnet. We know now that when Garnet was first created she was no where near as streamlined as she is now. She clashed like someone threw pink and blue cotton candy in the spinner at random intervals.
Fusion is not all about sex. It's about relatioships. And there are more kinds of relationships than just sexual/romantic ones in this world.
Jasper clearly does not associate Rose and Pink Diamond. She is clearly intimating that they are two separate people.
I'm actually shipping Tomco/Marcom? right now. That ping pong game was the awkward start of a sweet bromance.
Good god, not EVERYTHING about fusions is sexual. Holy frack, person! There are ALL KINDS of relationships, harmonious ones. Not all of them have to be a sex metaphor. Not all of them even have to be romantic.
I literally just rushed here from the episode to read all the disappointed "Rose Quarts=Pink Diamond" theorist comments.
I was making a reference joke. I already know about the new final season on Adult Swim.
We've also seen what the war was like briefly from Lazuli's perspective flashback.
5000 years ago was like, Egyptian time period, right?
It wasn't her ideology that required bubbling. It was how far she was willing to go and how she was becoming too uncontrollable. She physically fought Rose over the disagreement before and did so with Steven. She could have gone rogue. Alternatively, just as she did with Steven, she forced Rose into an ultimatum. …
Didn't the show get greenlit up through season 5?
Hold on Jack? Jack is back?!
She needs to come in singing the theme song she made up in her comic. "Eats nuts, kicks bad guys buts!"
Did you have a port as well?
Noir Pearl in 1920-30s.
I'd like to see her as a steel fan fighter. That kind of specialized grace fighting suits her.
Maybe it was an arrestcue?
Did anybody else notice that odd glitch in Amethyst's reformation right after her hair grows out? Do you think that will play into the next episode? You think maybe we'll get a peak at what Amethyst was originally supposed to be like had she not been overbaked? I detect an out of control plot wherein an insecure…
Well there is also the drama that she attacked Lapis Lazuli during the rebellion and is likely the one that poofed Lapis.
She is now Amethyst, the White wizard.