
Bismuth can be seen attacking Lapis from behind in Lapis' flashback of her being caught in the middle of the rebellion. And Bismuth is a 2-parter next week. I'm expecting some Lapis/Bismuth drama and maybe a peak into what exactly Lapis was supposed to have been doing on Earth at the time. I liked how she freaked

Nudey Booty!

Now I want to see Dark Steven.

We are all just Watermelons in the long run.

Maybe it comes from falling asleep naked to Noice Magazine too often?

As I was watching the episode I was thinking about pairing Peridot up with Ronaldo for hilarious conspiracy Hoax Hunter hijinks. They'd make an excellent Keep Beach City Weird duo.

They all managed to come back with a heaping pile of severed hands.

Pointless to continue? That seems very shortsighted in-the-box thinking.

"had all of ZERO to do with the main plot this season."
Do you not read?

Did anybody else catch that part where Finn guesses that the guest judge is Donny the grass ogre who hasn't been seen since the episode named after him?

It's a coming of age story primarily. The main human character, Finn begins the show as a 12 year old with a dog for an adopted older brother. Finn is now 16 going on 17 in the show.

This episode is meant to reconcile with his sense of loss after what happened to the Finn Sword (which was spiritually like losing apart of itself-and the sword thought of itself as original and the Human as Finn2)

Cartoon Network is crazy in it's scheduling of their shows these days. Throwing out episodes of shows left and right and then nothing for a while then a handful weekly, then gone, then all at once in a single week then disappear again. And on different days of the week too.

Not a whole lot of cartoons get the chance at 7 long seasons and even fewer manage to still be fresh and true to the concept of "a young boy's coming-o-age story" as the show has matured in it's subject matter as Finn has matured and aged.

It's for everyone with an open mind.

I think Dorian should have invited Victor over for a 3-way with Lilly. It probably would have solved so many problems… maybe. And how did the witches in season 2 not kidnap Victor for some virgin sacrifice? That would have been hilariously embarrassing.

What?! You mean to tell me you never wanted an episode titled "Whores Vs. Hemovores"? For shame.

Mummy->Scorpion King->Scorpion Goddess->Vanessa Ives
Ethan meets an avatar of the Jackal death god Anubis.
Dorian and Dracula ever alive during ancient Egypt?
Also Malcom still has a score to settle with Dracula-who still has a 9-5 day job at the museum.
Dr. Seward has captive vampire patient to experiment on and learning

Funny how Clare's story had all of ZERO to do with the main plot this season. He only interacted with Vanessa and only once.