
To my personal knowledge nope! (also I’m a MP lurker, so all the stuff I saw showed up after he got de-modded) to be clear I'm just not into us having him be a mod again or whatever he is into this round without people knowing what happened last round. I'm pretty sure there are caps kicking around of him being cross

I think the primary issue is how he treated people, I think him wanting boob pics isn’t beyond the pale, consent culture and all that. But that’s my generic beef. Informed decisions is all I ask.

I’m not sending you pics of my boobs to prove I'm not, sorry.

As a dude me posting “boobs” is TOTALLY THE SAME AS THE WOMEN POSTING IIIIIIT ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I do understand that there is a lot of commentariat turnover so I appreciate you posting this to let people know that the “stalkers” aren’t just being “haters” for no reason.

It’s just so frustrating because we’ve got some great dudes who manage to comment and aren’t using it to get e-lady points or request pics of boobs. I do like the noble “stop making it about me THINK OF THE LADIES”. So he's learning.

I found my login just to back you up here, I’d rather we don’t have to deal with his garbage again

I'll listen for the call of Jesus.

No, is she a woman who wouldn't be an incubator of yours? But anyways, I'll keep you in mind if I ever have an abortion.

We are still going to abort babies, more women will die though. Glad to see your true colors <3

Did Katy get it from an improperly sterilized bindi or headdress?

They probably read a wikipedia page once? I'm excited to hear what their medical background actually is.

Big Pharma sends me 1.5k PER vaccine I work on !11!!!1!!!

Jesus dies (*comes back on who you ask), Dumbledore dies, Uncle Ben is still dead.

Glad you took the red pill! And she was locked in the attic.

Pretty much all of the sexist BS I've heard has been about women and having a family and how it impacts their careers, and from female and male scientists. I see the male PhD students praised on their ability to juggle family and research (look! they are still at the bench at 7pm!) whereas the women with children are